
stac-asset is a Python library for opening and downloading STAC assets across various network protocols, storage systems, and authentication regimes.


The SpatioTemporal Asset Catalog (STAC) specification is widely-used to index large holdings of geospatial assets and make them searchable. STAC catalogs and APIs are encouraged to be fully open to the public, and they often are. However, providing fully free and open access to the geospatial assets inside of a STAC catalog (e.g. the raster files themselves, not just their metadata) is much less common. Whether its because of the cost of data egress, requirements around user access, or something else, many data providers put an authentication layer, or some other access restriction, in front of their data.

Over time, a set of access patterns have emerged around retrieving data from different cloud providers and from different systems. This library aims to consolidate those patterns into a single repository and behind a single interface, so they can be used interchangeably and with the minimum amount of user configuration.


Let’s say you have a pystac.Item that you’d like to download, with its assets, to your local system. You can use our top-level function, stac_asset.download_item() to do that. This will download the item, with all of its assets, to the directory you specified, and update the asset hrefs to point to their new, downloaded locations.

import pystac
import stac_asset

href = ""
item = pystac.read_file(href)
await stac_asset.download_item(item, ".")

If you have an pystac.ItemCollection, you can download multiple items at once. This can be particularly useful when you’re querying a STAC API, e.g. with pystac-client.

import stac_asset
from pystac_client import Client

client ="")
item_search =
item_collection = item_search.item_collection()
await stac_asset.download_item_collection(item_collection, ".")

If you run the above code, you’ll probably see some errors. That’s because some assets in Earth Search’s sentinel-2-l2a collections only have s3:// hrefs that require requester pays buckets. stac-asset uses the asset’s href to guess the correct client to use for each download. Each client can have its own configuration variables; see each client’s documentation in API documentation for more information. To provide a configured client to the API, use clients:

from stac_asset import S3Client

s3_client = S3Client(requester_pays=True)
await stac_asset.download_item_collection(item_collection, ".", clients=[s3_client])

See API documentation for each available function and class.


Our Command-Line Interface provides pipe-enabled interface for downloading items and item collections. We can use pystac-client’s CLI to search, and then pipe those results to our CLI.

stac-client search \
     -c sentinel-2-l2a \
     --query 'grid:code=MGRS-13TDE' \
     --max-items 1 | \
 stac-asset download

See CLI documentation for more information on the available subcommands and options.